Our Guide to Using an Artificial Limb – How to Return to Your Optimal Self

A new life awaits someone who has had an amputation. The idea of having a limb loss and navigating through life may seem a bit scary. It may inevitably come with a lot of challenges and complicated emotions. However, it doesn’t necessarily have to be hard and struggling. With the right prosthesis and support system, you can simply bounce back to your optimal self with an artificial limb. 

For your guide and reference, here’s how to return to your normal self with the use of an artificial limb.

Artificial limb in a nutshell

A prosthesis is an artificial device meant to replace a missing body part, which may be lost through trauma, disease, or a condition present at birth. Prosthetic devices are specifically designed to assist patients in their everyday lives. They are custom made for each patient to create and achieve a comfortable fit. 

An artificial limb is a form of prosthetic devices. There is a wide range of artificial limbs created and designed, specific to patient types. They are typically built from strong, durable, and lightweight materials. These materials include carbon fibre, acrylic resin, silicone, thermoplastics, aluminium, or titanium. The purpose of an artificial limb is to facilitate the movement of a patient while still supporting the body weight.

How to transition to life with an artificial limb

The initial step that amputees take to acquire the right prosthetic device is to look for the prosthetist who can assist them. Here’s what you need to do:

  • Looking for a prosthetist: Make sure to research and look for a qualified prosthetist who knows your needs and understands your situation. This is because you will be working with the prosthetist for the rest of your life—from assessing your residual limb to getting the best artificial limb for you to assisting you even after your prosthesis has been attached.
  • Dealing with your prosthesis: Make sure to decide on the perfect fit for your artificial limb. Your prosthesis can offer you maximum independence by emulating what your natural limb does. With the right prosthesis, you can regain partial or full mobility, go back to work, do what you love to do, and bring back your self-worth.

How to find the right support

It’s worth knowing that regaining mobility and your whole life doesn’t happen overnight. It takes a collaborative effort of all the people that surround you—from your family to your prosthetist down to your support system. Consider having the following:

  • Support system: Know that your family and friends are your first support system. They will help you through recovery until you regain your independence. 
  • Peer support: It’s best to have peer support with individuals who can relate with you. It can be immensely helpful to talk to someone who shares your experiences. Fellow amputees can offer firsthand insights and be there for you. Overall, peer support is an essential part of recovery.
  • Prosthetist support: Your prosthetist will play a pivotal role in your recovery. Make sure to bring out to your prosthetist any concerns. Even if you are having emotional difficulties, talk to them, and ask how they can help. 

Final words

With the right artificial limb and the support system, you can surely rise above the situation. But all these boil down to you as the amputee. Never allow the loss of a limb to limit you by being resilient and doing what you love the most. For all you know, a great life still awaits you!

If you are looking for foot prosthesis solutions, get in touch with us to see how we can help.