Our Guide to Technology Advancements in Prosthetics – What to Know

The use of advanced prosthetics today has overshadowed its interesting history. You’ll be surprised to know that prosthetics, despite its advancements, dates way back when the use of technology was still limited. 

The History of Prosthetics

According to history, the use of artificial limbs was found in Egypt because they had a tradition of creating limbs for mummified corpses who had missing body parts. They do this to make the dead look “whole” in the next life. 

The earliest discovery of prosthetics was around 3,000 years ago when archaeologists found the remains of a high-born woman with a wooden prosthetic toe that was attached to the woman’s foot by a leather strap. After undergoing further examinations, results show that the prosthetic toe was used in the woman’s daily life due to its apparent worn out spots. 

One hundred years ago, another proof of the use of prosthetics was unearthed again in Egypt, where it was made from plaster, linen, and glue. 

The Innovation in Prosthetics

It was in the early 1500s when the innovation in prosthetics took place. Ambroise Paré, a French surgeon, started to create prosthetics that mimic leg and arm movements. Eventually, the Civil War and other wars created a massive demand for prosthetics due to the high-record numbers of amputations. James Hanger, an American soldier, and one of the first amputees of the war created a prosthetic leg that features hinges in the knee and ankles. 

After World War I, the Walter Reed Army Hospital in the US created a huge number of artificial limbs to accommodate the returning wounded soldiers. When World War II rolled around, the UK made its mark in the world of prosthetics when the Queen Mary’s Hospital, became a place for artificial limbs in 1939. It was during World War II when the suction sock was introduced, which was built for above-knee prosthetics. 

Prosthetics Today

Advancements in technology now take prosthetics closer to fully replicating the full function of a human limb. Today, there are microprocessor knees that let prosthetics quickly adapt to their environments. There are also the blade prostheses that enable the wearer to sprint. 

Nowadays, prosthetics have better aesthetics, thanks to William Root, who created prosthetics with the use of titanium that allowed him to create intricate and unique designs for each person. Bionic arms are being created as well, and it features muscle sensors that are connected to the skin that will let for effective use of the limb. 

Prosthetics, in today’s context feature nerve detectors that control it. It operates through spinal motor neurons that allow for enhanced command sensor detection. This allows the user to think that they are actually moving the limb. 

Prosthetics have dramatically progressed in recent years. Now, prosthetics are highly-functioning, and, with the rate it’s going, it won’t come as a surprise if it operates as a real limb in the years to come. 

The advancements in prosthetics have also paved the way for more types to choose from in the market, especially for individuals who are keen on participating in sports activities. 

If you are looking for foot prosthesis solutions, get in touch with us to see how we can help.